‘BB贝博艾弗森官方网站’新iOS发布,苹果开涮乔布斯的设计风格 英语科技新闻
发布时间:2024-10-10 00:04:03
本文摘要:During Apples presentation of its new software, new iOS leader Craig Federighi made a bunch of jokes about the old look for iOS.在苹果的新软件发布会上,iOS新的领导者克雷格?酬劳德里吉谈了一大堆关于iOS老样子的笑话。

During Apples presentation of its new software, new iOS leader Craig Federighi made a bunch of jokes about the old look for iOS.在苹果的新软件发布会上,iOS新的领导者克雷格?酬劳德里吉谈了一大堆关于iOS老样子的笑话。When he revealed the new look for the calendar app on the Mac, he said, No virtual cows were harmed in the making of this one.当他透漏Mac上日历应用于的全新样子时,他说道,“在制作这一个东西时没虚拟世界奶牛受到损害。”He also made fun of Apples Game Center, which currently looks like a craps table in Vegas. The new version doesnt have the fake textures, and Federighi joked, We ran out of felt and wood.他还嘲讽了苹果的游戏中心,其目前看上去像拉斯维加斯的一张双骰儿赌桌。新版本没假纹理,Federighi打趣说道,“毛毡和木头我们都用完了。

”The jokes were well-received by the people in the audience, but there was something slightly weird about them when you consider that Steve Jobs was a big proponent of the design style Federighi was trashing.这个笑话被现场观众很好地接管了,但当你意识到史蒂夫乔布斯才是Federighi丑化的设计风格的仅次于提倡者时,回应只是有些额怪异。Its also weird that just a year ago Apple was pushing further into this style under Scott Forstall. Now, Apple is running away from the Forstall and Jobs style that defined iOS.还让人奇怪的是就在一年前苹果公司还在斯科特?福斯托尔的领导下更进一步了解这个风格。现在,苹果公司于是以靠近福斯托尔和乔布斯定义的iOS风格。Everyone considers Jobs to be a genius who understood design. Now, Apple is not only abandoning his design style, but its also openly mocking it.每个人都指出乔布斯是一个不懂设计的天才。


